How To

Published on January 15th, 2013 | by iGoPedia


How to save or remember Wi-Fi passwords on iPad

It can be annoying having to enter your wireless router’s password every time your iPad disconnects itself from the Wi-Fi network. Instead of wasting time having to enter a few characters every time your iPad’s battery life reaches 0% or moving far away from your home’s Wi-Fi network, you can let your iPad remember your Wi-Fi password.

How to save or remember Wi-Fi passwords on iPad :

  1. Turn on your iPad 4 (or an iPad running iOS 6).
  2. Find the “settings” icon and select it.
  3. From the left-hand side, you will see a list of categories. Select “Wi-Fi” (if not already selected by default).
  4. Under “choose a network”, select “other”.
  5. Enter a name for your Wi-Fi network and select its security type (if your Wi-Fi router has a password).
  6.  Use the arrow type button to go back to your previous page and you will notice a new field called “password”.
  7. Enter your wireless router’s password into this field on your iPad.
  8. Select the “join” arrow button to the top and you’re done.

You can choose to either connect to Wi-Fi before or after following these steps. As for me, I’m currently running iOS 6 on my iPad 4, I disconnected from my Wi-Fi network, followed the steps above, and re-connected back to my Wi-Fi network. It worked for me and if you’re having any problems, be sure to create an account at our smartphone forum and start a thread in the ipad forum.


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